Sleep Spray 29.9 mL

Supports sleep by aiding the nervous system, adrenal glands, and digestive system.

Dave’s Sleep formula in spray is a great option for those whose mind chatters at night, preventing sleep. Its herbs support the adrenals for people who are “too tired” to fall asleep, aids digestive upsets, and calms the nerves. Perfect for those who don’t see results from Valerian, the convenient spray form makes it easy for travel and middle-of-the-night dosing.

Key Ingredients:

  • Eyebright

    Has been used traditionally to support healthy eyes. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes eyesight is linked to liver health. It is also supportive for normal gastrointestinal function (hard to sleep with digestive problems) and respiratory support.

  • Hawthorn Berry

    Has been used for hundreds of years as a heart tonic to support overall cardiovascular function and is a super antioxidant. Hawthorn also assists in maintaining nervous system function.

  • Jiaogulan

    An adaptogen (normalizes stress levels as well as nourishing the adrenal glands). It is cultivated in Japan, Korea, and China, and supports healthy liver function and has many ginseng-like properties.

  • Melissa (Lemon Balm)

    Has been used as a relaxant and cardiovascular tonic as well as promoting restful sleep. It assists in normal muscle function and a healthy digestive tract. Melissa helps to support symptoms of stress and also symptoms of uncomfortable periods.

  • Yarrow

    A digestive herb assisting with symptoms of bloating and gas. It has been used in aiding respiratory and urinary systems, and for symptoms of uncomfortable periods.

  • Trace Minerals

    Support the body by providing minerals needed for body repair.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Stable Mind 2 oz

Supports a stable and balanced mind and mood.


Dave’s Stable Mind formula is meant to bring balance to how we think and feel. Oftentimes, due to pressures from society and the rush to stay energized and active, we can go into a dark place trying to maintain that frantic pace. What goes up must come down. This formula helps “level the playing field” so that your emotions and thoughts feel supported from a place of balance and stability using ancient herbal wisdom.

Key Ingredients:

  • Gogi Berries

    Provides nutritional support to balance nerves and support the adrenals.

  • Hawthorn Berries

    Support healthy cardiovascular function as well as support nerves.

  • Lavender Flowers

    Help normal nerve function and help to deal with stressful life situations.

  • Motherwort

    Has been known to help women feel mothered as well as support healthy cardiovascular function.

  • St. John’s Wort

    Touted for supporting a healthy mood while also supporting the nerves and helps to create balance.

  • Valerian Root

    Balances overexcitement with calmness and relaxation.

  • Licorice Root

    Used to make the formula work better as well as supporting the adrenals to combat stressful situations.

  • Trace Minerals

    Needed to feed the cells to bring balance the mind and body.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Positive Mind 2oz

Supports a positive mood by providing brain and nervous system support

Dave’s Positive Mind formula is a special blend of herbs that support healthy brain and nervous system function. Many of these herbs are considered sacred and calming in ancient cultures.  Traditional Chinese Medicine, for example, considers the heart the “seat” or center of the soul. When this seat is disturbed, mental and emotional symptoms of anxiousness can arise.  More specifically, emotions become constrained, preventing us from connecting with our inner feelings and releasing them and relieving the symptoms of stress. Dave’s Positive Mind formula gently works to allow a person to connect with their emotions and solve problems by removing the energy that is blocking the emotional aspect of the heart.

Key Ingredients:

  • Albizzia Flowers

    Also called “collective happiness bark,” is used in certain cultures for supporting nervous system and cardiovascular system health. According to the Chinese the symptoms of a bad temper, sleeplessness, irritability, and forgetfulness are due to constrained emotions (affecting nerve and heart health).

  • Blue Violet Leaves

    Expectorant, alterative (blood health), and support healthy kidney function and is used to support a healthy lymphatic function.

  • Flos Lonicerae Japonicea

    Clears heat and relieves fire toxicity; for hot, painful sores and swellings in various stages of development, especially of the breast, throat or eyes. Calms anger.

  • Lavender

    An herb that supports healthy nervous system, muscle, and circulation function while it assists in normal digestive and brain function.

  • Radix Polygala Tennifoliae

    An herb used to “calm the heart” in certain cultures as it supports normal nervous system, brain and cardiovascular system. According to Chinese medicine, it is effective for excessive brooding or constrained, pent-up emotions supporting normal brain functioning.

  • Red Sandalwood

    An astringent, mucostatic, demulsive, and detoxicant herb. It is also used to maintain and support cardiovascular and lymphatic health. Red sandalwood is used in certain cultures during meditation to open the third eye; it vibrates between the 7th and 1st chakras and so is stimulating as well as grounding.

  • Squawvine

    A diuretic herb supporting healthy urinary function and liver function (blood health). It is also a female tonic (hormonal support) and astringent. In Chinese medicine the liver meridian = anger and kidney meridian = fear.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Heart Formula 90 caps

Protects cardiovascular health using antioxidant-rich herbs.

The heart is the engine of the body. It is also one of the most abused organs in the body – heart disease is one of the biggest killers of Americans. Dave created his Heart Formula to support a healthy heart.

Chinese medicine sees the heart as the seat of the soul; it governs many of our emotions and is an important part of joy, or lack thereof. Heart emotions which show a sign of imbalance include lack of joy, financial problems, emotional strain, and a failure to trust yourself or others. Protect your heart by using Dave’s Heart formula as a cardiovascular tonic that can also support healthy digestion, which can ease pressure in the chest. Dave's Heart formula complements Dave's Vascular Formula, which focuses on supporting the veins and arteries.

Key Ingredients:

  • Anise

    Has been traditionally used in reducing gas and bloating that can affect a feeling of fullness in the area of the heart and lungs.

  • Hawthorn

    Has been used for hundreds of years as a heart tonic to support overall cardiovascular function. It may take up to 6 weeks to see effects from this super antioxidant. Hawthorn also assists in maintaining healthy nervous system function.

  • Melissa (Lemon Balm)

    Has been used as a relaxant and cardiovascular tonic as well as promoting restful sleep. It assists in normal muscle function and a healthy digestive tract.

  • Mistletoe

    Has been used in Europe for maintaining cardiovascular, nerve and respiratory health.

  • Shavegrass (Horsetail)

    Used to support healthy urinary function. The silica content aids connective tissue health, especially of veins and arteries.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Dave's Lemon Balm 2oz

Promotes calm and supports a healthy stress response.

Lemon balm has been used for centuries to calm and nourish the nervous system. Lemon balm is part of the mint family of herbs. When the leaves are crushed, they exude a lemony smell. Lemon balm can be useful in many different phases of life as it works quickly and has a pleasant taste.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Healthy Cycles 90 caps

Provides hormonal support to women with menstrual cycles.

Hormonal health is such an important part of a balanced life. Dave’s Healthy Cycles formula approaches hormone health from three directions: hormonal balance between estrogen and progesterone, uterine health, and uterine circulation. Using European, Native American, and Chinese herbs, this formula can help support hormonal balance and minimize the things that make the luteal and menstrual phases miserable.  It can help support positive mood, healthy stress response, reduce discomfort during menstruation, and promote a balanced blood sugar level.

Key Ingredients:

  • Vitex:

    Used for centuries to balance estrogen and progesterone health. Research and traditional uses are for hormonal health and the discomfort of PMS symptoms.

  • Yarrow:

    Has been used for centuries to help pelvic circulation and is known to enhance digestion and wound healing.

  • Licorice:

    Used to harmonize the formula and provide soothing to the mucus membranes.

  • Red Raspberry Leaves:

    Have been used by Native Americans to strengthen the uterus and enhance iron absorption.

  • White Peony

    Used in traditional Chinese medicine to build the blood when there is a weak uterus. It is used traditionally to help support uterine tissue health.

  • Dong Quai:

    Used in Chinese medicine to build the blood and enhance uterine circulation.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Kidney Formula 90 caps

Supports healthy kidney function.

The kidneys are a major filtration system of the body. They filter the blood to get rid of uric acid and other contaminates that come out as liquid waste. Supporting healthy kidney function may promote healthy skin and lung function. These two organs are thought to be connected to the kidneys in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Many people don’t know there is a kidney problem until major symptoms start. Problems stopping or starting urination, leaking, and bedwetting may occur. Other physical signs of kidney weakness may show on face as swollen upper eyelids, deep vertical lines of the cheeks, and vertical lines above and below the lips which is directly related to the hormones. Kidney weakness may be inherited or can be as a result of environment or lifestyle.

Key Ingredients:

  • Agrimony

    Has been used to aid urinary tract and liver health. It has been used for those with mild diarrhea symptoms.

  • Knotweed

    Little-known herb that is helpful for the urinary, digestive, and upper respiratory systems. It helps maintain good blood health and is soothing to the mucus membranes of the urinary tract.

  • Meadowsweet (Spirea Ulmaria)

    Has been used for urinary and bladder health. It contains salicylic acid which may reduce fevers and discomfort in joints.

  • Rosehips

    Have been used for their bioflavonoid, antioxidant, and Vitamin C content. They protect and support normal urinary function, the digestive system, and liver health.

  • Sarsaparilla

    A kidney-bladder tonic aiding in normal urinary health. It is known to purify the blood by a beneficial liver action. It also supports healthy skin function.

  • Veronica (Speedwell)

    Has been shown to support urinary health. It dissolves mucus, purifies the blood, and helps skin problems. It has been used for arthritis and upper respiratory problems.

  • Watercress

    Has been used traditionally for healthy kidney-bladder function. Rich in minerals, this is the only inland plant rich in iodine, which can support healthy thyroid function. Trace minerals support healthy endocrine system and adrenals. Watercress helps maintain healthy stomach mucosal lining as well as being soothing for the respiratory system

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Sleep Formula 90 caps

Supports sleep by providing minerals for muscle, nerve, and cardiovascular function.

Nighttime is when our bodies rejuvenate and renew. Give your body some a chance at rest with this mineral-rich formula that helps support muscle, nerve, cardiovascular, and digestive function so that your body is able to truly relax. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, a disturbed heart and spirit send vapors to the brain, causing the mind to chatter and making it difficult to fall asleep. Calm this disturbance and the mind and body are calmed.  Dave’s Sleep formula in capsules is a great option for those whose body won’t relax into sleep.

Key Ingredients:

  • Eyebright

    Has been used traditionally to support healthy eyes. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes eyesight is linked to liver health. It is also supportive for normal gastrointestinal and respiratory function, which can aid in better sleep.

  • Melissa (Lemon Balm)

    Has been used as a relaxant and cardiovascular tonic as well as promoting restful sleep. It assists in normal muscle function and a healthy digestive tract. Melissa helps to support symptoms of stress and also symptoms of uncomfortable periods.

  • Oat Straw

    Rich in calcium and silica and adds mineral support for healthy muscle and joint function (including relaxation).

  • Valerian

    Herbal support for the nervous system. It is described as a sedative and has been used as a hypnotic in other cultures. Valerian naturally contains the amino acid responsible for calming: it is called GABA. It alleviates nervous tension. It also calms a nervous heart rate, soothes digestive upsets and can help relax the uterus.

  • Wild Lettuce

    Has been used historically for its sedative qualities. It has been used to help relax the muscles of the body.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Mood Formula 90 caps

Supports symptoms of major and minor stress, anxiousness, and nervousness.

When we are stressed our bodies become depleted of valuable minerals which can make us feel frazzled. This leads to anger and irritability and affects those around us. Nourishing the central and peripheral nervous systems, Dave’s Mood formula replenishes nerves depleted by stress or over activity of the mind. When we feel less stressed we can feel more calm and confident.

Key Ingredients:

  • Bitter Orange

    Has been used for digestive support, easing gas and bloating. It is also bitter which supports healthy liver function. Bitter orange supports nerve health, and helps promote healthy mucus production.

  • Hops

    Have traditionally been used to promote normal nerve function. Its bitterness supports healthy liver function calming the stomach. Its constituents help to support healthy yeast levels. It has been used to support a healthy stress response, healthy urinary tract function and hormone balance.

  • Melissa (Lemon Balm)

    Aids in nervous system function and has been used as a relaxant and cardiovascular tonic as well as promoting restful sleep. It assists in normal muscle function and a healthy digestive tract. Melissa helps to support a healthy stress response and promote more comfortable menstruation.

  • Mistletoe

    Supports a healthy cardiovascular system and nervous system.

  • Peppermint

    This can support a healthy and comfortable digestive process and promote normal stomach acid function. It acts to support the nervous system and healthy liver function, promoting regular bowel movements.

  • Valerian

    Herbal support for the nervous system. Valerian naturally contains the amino acid responsible for supporting a sensation of calm and healthy sleep. It alleviates nervous tension. It can also support healthy heart rate and can support healthy digestion.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Energy Formula 90 caps

Promotes natural energy and mental alertness while supporting the adrenals.

In our fast-paced lifestyle, we consume so many caffeinated beverages to give us more energy. In reality they exhaust the adrenals and stress the digestive system and kidneys. This can created a cycle that leaves us feeling drained and needing more caffeinated drinks.

Replacing regular caffeine use with natural herbs in the Energy Formula supports normal adrenal function for better stress symptom control and energy. For natural energy, stimulant herbs such as guarana, mate leaf and kola nut contain caffeine-like substances and other natural components which allow their energy-giving nutrients for sustained energy instead of the common “caffeine crash.” When using Dave’s Energy Formula, you not feel more energized from stimulating herbs, but the herbs can actually support your adrenals.

Key Ingredients:

  • Guarana Seed

    Used traditionally in South American drinks for energy, menstrual headaches and mental alertness. It contains caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, and antioxidants, and is a central nervous system stimulant.

  • Kola Nut

    A stimulant herb traditionally used in Africa for headaches and energy. It contains caffeine, theobromine (nervous system stimulant), and tannins which can slow down the stimulating effects. It also contains antioxidants called pranthocyanadins.

  • Licorice Root

    Used traditionally for supporting normal adrenal cortex and medulla function for symptoms of fatigue and healthy blood sugar. Licorice root also supports healthy stomach mucosal lining and digestive function as well as the respiratory system.

  • Máte Leaf

    A popular South American drink used for energy. It contains caffeine and theobromine (stimulates the central nervous system), as well as flavonoids (antioxidants). It affects the liver by stimulating glycogen breakdown for immediate energy.

  • Watercress Leaf

    Has iodine which may support healthy thyroid function. It is one of the only land-living plants to contain useable amounts of iodine. Trace minerals support healthy endocrine system and adrenals. Watercress helps maintain healthy stomach mucosal lining as well as being soothing for the respiratory system.

  • Wild Yam Root

    Gas-relieving herb supporting normal digestion, and may support the liver for joint, muscles, and connective tissue health. It supports healthy adrenal function and is described as an autonomic nerve relaxant.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Energy Spray 29.9 mL

Promotes natural energy and mental alertness while supporting the adrenals.

In our fast-paced lifestyle, we consume so many caffeinated beverages to give us more energy. In reality they exhaust the adrenals and stress the digestive system and kidneys. This can created a cycle that leaves us feeling drained and needing more caffeinated drinks.

Replacing regular caffeine use with natural herbs in the Energy Formula supports normal adrenal function for better stress symptom control and energy. For natural energy, stimulant herbs such as guarana, mate leaf and kola nut contain caffeine-like substances and other natural components which allow their energy-giving nutrients for sustained energy instead of the common “caffeine crash.” When using Dave’s Energy Formula, you not feel more energized from stimulating herbs, but the herbs can actually support your adrenals.

Key Ingredients:

  • Guarana Seed

    Used traditionally in South American drinks for energy, menstrual headaches and mental alertness. It contains caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, and antioxidants, and is a central nervous system stimulant.

  • Kola Nut

    A stimulant herb traditionally used in Africa for headaches and energy. It contains caffeine, theobromine (nervous system stimulant), and tannins which can slow down the stimulating effects. It also contains antioxidants called pranthocyanadins.

  • Licorice Root

    Used traditionally for supporting normal adrenal cortex and medulla function for symptoms of fatigue and healthy blood sugar. Licorice root also supports healthy stomach mucosal lining and digestive function as well as the respiratory system.

  • Máte Leaf

    A popular South American drink used for energy. It contains caffeine and theobromine (stimulates the central nervous system), as well as flavonoids (antioxidants). It affects the liver by stimulating glycogen breakdown for immediate energy.

  • Watercress Leaf

    Has iodine which may support healthy thyroid function. It is one of the only land-living plants to contain useable amounts of iodine. Trace minerals support healthy endocrine system and adrenals. Watercress helps maintain healthy stomach mucosal lining as well as being soothing for the respiratory system.

  • Wild Yam Root

    Gas-relieving herb supporting normal digestion, and may support the liver for joint, muscles, and connective tissue health. It supports healthy adrenal function and is described as an autonomic nerve relaxant.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Ocean Tonic 90 caps

A sea vegetable source of iodine and other important nutrients.

Harness the power of the sea! Dave’s Ocean Tonic formula is a synergistic blend of herbs and seaweeds which contain a vast array of vitamins, minerals, fibers and other nutrients.

Science has found more than 93 vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants in these sea greens, and is just beginning to unlock the secrets of ocean nutrients. Folk usage in Japan and other Islands includes sea greens as daily food and healthy thyroid support. Studies have shown that sea greens may improve overall nutrition, longevity and protect against today’s pollutants. It is also rich in iodine that may protect and support thyroid health.

This formula is generally safe for everyone except those who are pregnant, nursing or have an overactive thyroid.


  • Dulse:

    Popular around the world as a food source that is rich in minerals. It has been used to support thyroid, respiratory, adrenal, and digestive health.

  • Fennel:

    Used in this formula to warm up the cooling energy of the ocean herbs and support healthy digestion. It also supports healthy muscle function.

  • Irish Moss:

    Used as a thickener for foods, but its fiber is also helpful for detoxification and bowel health. It is also rich in trace minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. It has been used to support the immune, respiratory and digestive systems.

  • Kelp:

    An herb rich in iodine and trace minerals. It has been used to support thyroid health.

  • Kombu:

    A Japanese favorite for its flavor. Like the others, it is rich in micronutrients and antioxidants. It has been used for thyroid and circulatory support. It may protect against toxins, and has been used for female hormonal support.

  • Wakame:

    Has been used in Japan for its good taste and mild flavor. It is rich in calcium, B vitamins, and many other nutrients. In folk medicine it is used for cardiovascular health, liver protection and detoxification.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Respiratory Formula 90 caps

Provides lung and upper respiratory support.

Whether lung discomfort is from allergies, pollution, or sickness, Dave’s Respiratory formula can provide lung and upper respiratory support using a synergistic blend of respiratory and digestive herbs.  Herbs in this formula also help dissolve mucus and support healthy lung function.

Key Ingredients:

  • Elecampane Root

    Has been traditionally used to support the mucous membranes in the respiratory system and is an expectorant. It is also useful for gastro-intestinal support. It is also a liver herb (blood and skin health) and serves to stimulate the flow or bile for better digestive and bowel health. It is used to support urinary and joint health.

  • Ground Ivy Leaves

    Are traditionally used to support healthy respiratory (also upper respiratory) and digestive systems (including liver). They are astringent, which means they reduce mucus in the body. As an expectorant, it will move mucus up and out of the lungs. Supporting healthy digestion, ground ivy also calms the stomach as well as the gastro-intestinal tract. It is a diuretic herb helping maintain a healthy urinary system.

  • Hawthorn

    Has been used for hundreds of years as a heart tonic to support overall cardiovascular function, and also assists in maintaining nervous system function. Europeans use the flower and the leaf while Americans use the berry; a combination of the three gives all the benefits.

  • Speedwell

    An expectorant and dissolves mucous. It has been used for helping maintain upper respiratory health and soothing symptoms related to the throat and upper-respiratory system. Because it is bitter it supports healthy digestion easing symptoms of gas and bloating. Speedwell has been used to support liver, blood, urinary and joint health.

  • Sage Leaf

    Supports healthy respiratory function soothing the upper respiratory tract as well as sinuses, throat soreness, and coughs. As a digestive support herb it eases symptoms of gas and bloating.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Lower Bowel Formula 90 caps

Aids intestinal and digestive health while maintaining healthy bowel function.

Dave’s Lower Bowel formula promotes healthy digestion and soothes the mucosal lining of the intestines. This allows the body to properly absorb nutrients and remove waste.

Lower bowel health is important for overall digestive health and well-being. The lower bowel (the colon) is responsible for absorbing water and electrolytes from waste material before it is eliminated from the body. The bowel is usually the problem when having trouble with constipation or diarrhea. Many people experience bowel problems with symptoms of gas, bloating, constipation, cramping, indigestion, heartburn, belching, nausea, vomiting, and more. Other signs that your colon might be struggling include bad breath, body odor, acne, allergies, arthritis, bladder and vaginal infections, and the most common of all, headaches or migraines.

Key Ingredients:

  • Chamomile

    Has been traditionally used for healthy digestion to help relieve symptoms of gas and bloating, aiding a normal stomach mucosal lining, and has been used for nausea and effects of lower bowel distress. Chamomile also supports the nervous and respiratory systems.

  • Cramp bark

    Has been traditionally used for smooth muscle support as it relieves symptoms of cramping or spasms. It assists gastrointestinal and urinary systems and supports bowel muscle tone.

  • Lobelia

    Commonly used for respiratory health, but may also assists in digestive tract and nervous system health. Lobelia has been used as an expectorant to aid in lung and bronchial health.

  • Marshmallow Root

    Valuable as it coats and soothes mucus membranes. It is best for soothing the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts as well as other mucosal linings in the body. Marshmallow has been used externally to soothe skin ulcers and wounds. It also aids in immune health.

  • Melissa (Lemon Balm)

    Assists in a healthy digestive tract, and may relieve gas and bloating that can put pressure on the heart. It has been used as a relaxant and cardiovascular tonic as well as for normal muscle function and promoting restful sleep. Melissa helps to support symptoms of stress and also symptoms of uncomfortable periods.

  • Wild Yam Root

    Helps the function of the liver which increases bile production (natural bowel lubricant and detoxifier), which assists the digestive system. It is invaluable for abdominal health as it soothes the mucosal lining of the intestines.

  • Yellow Dock

    Mildly stimulates the liver (liver support) to produce more bile which soothes and lubricates the intestines, and slightly stimulates peristalsis of the colon. It is a small source of iron.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

StoneRLF Formula 2 oz

More flow, less stones.

This is a safe herbal formula to increase urinary flow and help the body to reduce stone production. When minerals are processed correctly in the body then urination is more comfortable.

Key Ingredients:


Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

Red Root 2oz

Lymphatic system support.

Red root has been used traditionally by Native Americans. This plant is indigenous to Eastern North America. In modern herbal tradition it is used to help maintain healthy lymphatic system health. The lymphatic system plays an important role in the body’s immune system as well. The lymphatic system helps regulate certain fluids throughout the body. Red root can support the lymphatic system as it promotes a healthy immune response.

Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.